The mind of a slave master, the mind of a terrorist
The mind of a slave master, the mind of a terrorist
Why did slavery happen? What were white people
Till the late 1800 century, the European philosophy; especially Britain had always been that
slavery was justified, and that there was nothing wrong enslaving black
people. This view is reflected in all areas of their life. In 1849, when the
call for abolition of slavery was gaining ground in Europe, a British man named
Thomas Carlyle published an essay titled “the occasional discourse on the negro
question” in which he appealed to Europeans that it was a wrong idea to stop
enslaving black people. Therefore, he asked for a return to full scale slavery
and he justified it.
According to him ‘’white
people should rule black people”,
just like those who know rules those who
don’t know,
just like the educated rules the uneducated,
just like masters have servants,
just like masters have servants,
just like the strong control the weak,
just like men marry women,
just like the hawk prey on chickens
just like lions eat antelopes,
just like antelopes eat grass, e.t.c.
As you can see, Thomas Carlyle believed slavery was
natural and that Europeans were mandated to enslave black people. He believed
Britain have right to enslave black people and that abolition of slavery was a
wrong idea.
The article was a hit across Europe, because it appealed
to British philosophy and to the view point of other European slave owners.
Interestingly, Thomas Carlyle wasn’t alone in this
view. Till the 1800 century, European and American churches and priests also
widely held the view that “slavery was
ordained by God”. Bible passages were often being quoted to rebellious
slaves to remind them to obey their masters, as it was the will of God for them
to be enslaved.
This view was also reflected even in science. In 1859 (ten
years after Thomas Carlyle) another British man named Charles Darwin justified
slavery scientifically in his book “the origin of species” in which he said
categorically that nature is blind and that all species of plants and animals
exist as a matter of survival of the fittest- natural selection. Totally in
accord with Thomas Carlyle’s philosophy!. However,
let me state here that the question isn’t whether natural selection is
responsible for survival of the fittest, but using it to justify slavery is
what is wrong. I need to point this out, because, Winston Churchill and
many others did justify slavery on that basis. I will get to that soon.
Charles Darwin also justified slavery in his book, the origin of species
Look at the book opening pages (click to enlarge) on the area circled in red and you’ll see Darwin categorically said “the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life”.
Why did he say
that? Because, at the time the book was written, race was the biggest topic of
the day and he wanted to throw in his
support (though subliminally) that the white race was the favoured race in
face of horrendous slavery.
Darwin’s book was also a hit both in the science world
and political life of Britain, and the other colonialists. It’s a pity most
black people don’t know this, but from then on slavery was viewed by the
British as a survival of the fittest and not as a crime!. In fact, Darwin
boosted the morale of the colonialists across Europe, Africa, Asia, and America, and indeed
helped inspire people like Thomas Carlyle and Churchill.
The Birth of
The Commonwealth of Nations
By the end of the Second World War, Britain had been
severely weakened by the war and had begun planning a new world order in which
they would rule their colonies from remote. They began planning a new world
order in which they’ll control banking, economy, education, politics, and
government, of all their colonies from Buckingham palace, London. It’s not a
surprise then that at the end of the second world war when Winston Churchill
talked about the new world order that was being planned, he indeed echoed the
philosophy of Thomas Carlyle when he said "the governments of the world must be
entrusted to the satisfied nations. If the world’s government were in the hands
of hungry nations there will always be danger. Our power place us above the rest, we are like rich men dwelling at
peace within their habitation and therefore our right to rule. That's the
way the world ought to be and will be”.
Winston Churchill
British prime minister; 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955
British prime minister; 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955
Churchill adds "The
rich men of the rich societies must rule the world, competing among
themselves for the greater share of the spoils (colonies). And they are to be assisted by
the rich men of the hungry nations”.
Others are supposed to serve or suffer.
Winston Churchill made above comments as he was
struggling to hang on to the then fast collapsing British empire.
As I said earlier, Britain had been weakened by the world
wars and it dawned on them England wasn't in position any longer to rule all their
colonies by direct military occupation. They must find other ways of ruling
their colonies across the world. Eventually, they figured out they needed to install
puppet governments they would continue to control from Buckingham palace,
It became very important they do so, because by the
late 1800 century, rebellion had begun in all British colonies across the
world. The indigenous people had begun demanding freedom from occupation and slavery.
The signs were there in all the colonized nations and the slave masters knew
their days were numbered. The situation was made worse after soldiers from
colonized nations, who fought alongside Britain in the second world war received
no rewards after the war. Veteran soldiers became recalcitrant and helped
worsen the already growing agitation for freedom by the indigenous people.
The British then began a sort of a town hall meeting
to calm down nerves in their colonies. It was in one of such meeting in 1884 in
Australia that a British colonial administrator named Lord Rosebery, described
the changing British Empire as a "Commonwealth of Nations."
In 1931, the “British
Commonwealth of Nations" was formed, not as a decolonization strategy,
but as a new model of slavery in the new
world order in which Britain planned to rule their colonies in absentia.
It is very important you understand it took Britain at
least between 1884 to 1931 to finally form the British commonwealth of nations.
It took them 47 years to come up with the scheme!. There’s always a time lapse
between policy formulation and application, so you have no idea what they’re
planning today.
This little historical introduction above is enough to
make it clear even to the dumbest man or woman in any former British colony that
the commonwealth wasn’t formed for our interests.
As you can see, the commonwealth was originally called
''the British Commonwealth'' and that's
exactly what it is till today!. It is still the British commonwealth, not your commonwealth!!. It was only renamed
in 1949, and the purpose for renaming is
to conceal the true meaning, to enhance their deceit, to fool you the more.
You don’t co-own the colonies with Britain!. The commonwealth is a remnant British colonial institution
comprising all black nations enslaved by Britain. Therefore, the
commonwealth clearly isn't there for your interest, but for the interest of
The Commonwealth should be abolished, because it is an out-dated legacy of the
British Empire that serves no real purpose other than to honor Britain. The
commonwealth serves only to bolster Britain’s sense of importance in the world
and to make it appear that it’s monarch still has a role in the modern world.
William; heir to British throne being worshiped in Nauru by modern slaves
Does this picture look to you like Nauru is a free people?
Britain has done it’s best!. Black people, its time to
get your nations out of the commonwealth!!. It is the logical thing to do!!!.
The commonwealth should be abolished, because the British Empire was founded upon
slavery, colonial aggression, exploitation, and should be repudiated, rather
than celebrated in any form through the continuity the Commonwealth symbolizes.
True independent nations should not be made to congregate based on a legacy of
slavery, nor be made to feel or think Anglo-centric as that in itself is still
slavery- mental slavery.
William and wife; heir to British throne being worshiped in Nauru by modern slaves
Does this picture look to you like these are free black people? Come on!!
The Commonwealth should be abolished, because it has no clear role and mission, except sustaining the legacy of slavery and colonization of black people. It confers no trade privileges upon its members, does not coordinate their defense or foreign policy, and lacks both the budget and the executive authority to make a practical difference in the world. The periodic meetings of the Commonwealth Heads of Government are at best a talking-shop and at worst an expensive junket. It would be far better for its members to commit their attention to reclaiming their cultures, languages, history, self-worth and dignity that were destroyed by the British. Today, the so called independent nations under the commonwealth still have English language as their official language; whereas their various native languages are pushed to the background, some members even have their native languages going into extinction.
If indeed the commonwealth nations were free, the first
thing they would have done is go back to speaking their various native
languages, because we certainly had our own native languages before we met
And, that reminds me, Britain itself was also under
occupation by the Jutes, Germans, Spanish, French, and Rome, at various
times in their national life. Once upon a time, Britain was also under
occupation!. But, when Britain regained
it’s freedom, they banned foreign languages in the entire British isle, and
adopted their own native English as their official language. The year was
1362, and it was only then that English became an official language. Therefore,
Britain itself have proved that true independent nations will never speak the
language of foreigners!. How then do you
claim to be an independent nation, when English remain your official language?
See the chronology of English Language or watch below videos.
Watch below videos for a brief history of English language. It’s only 25 minutes all.
The evolution of English language
The history of English language
The origin of English language
It is very worrying there’re still so called independent
countries that remain member of a remnant of slavery, 85 years after it was
formed. But, it took Britain itself just 23 years to exit the European Union!. Why should any independent nation continue
as a commonwealth member, when Britain itself is exiting the European Union?
Most important; what gives Britain the audacity to
exit the European Union? Answer: Because, part of the new world order was to re-invent
slavery in former colonies in future. Remember, FUTURE here means anything from
1931 to eternity.
Britain sees it’s former colonies as substitutes in a football match, like an asset that it’s
usefulness could be rediscovered in future. That’s the real reason the commonwealth was formed!. The
commonwealth was formed to make sure they retain their legacy and to remain in
control of their spoils forever, because, again they believe “the white race is the favoured race to
rule black people” till eternity. They still hold this belief today,
otherwise, the commonwealth wouldn’t exist.
Actually, the
queen of England has not stopped being the head of the commonwealth or head of
slate in some former British colonies. As at the time of writing this
article, the queen of England remain the
head of state in the following countries:- Antigua and Barbuda, Australia,
Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Papua New
Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,
Solomon Islands, Tuvalu.
In above countries the queen remains the head of state
and a high commissioner's full title is thus: High Commissioner for Her Majesty's Government in [Country].
Queen Elizabeth: Head of state of Barbados on a state visit
The queen of England is still head of state in over 20 other black nations
For example; in Barbados the Queen is titled as Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of
Barbados, or simply the Queen of Barbados. And the Barbados high commissioner's
full title is: High Commissioner for Her
Majesty's Government in Barbados.
This proves beyond doubt the commonwealth member
nations are not congregation of independent countries after all. If they were
independent nation, they would have together sought the dethronement of the
queen in member states.
Well, you may say; but the queen is not the head of
state in Nigeria or Ghana or Zambia, e.t.c. On that argument, I’ll like you
know that ”In the slavery of the 21st
century, don’t expect a chain on your hands. Don’t expect a chain on your legs
either”. The chain would be on your mind.
What we have over the decades is a commonwealth of
nation that had been put in hibernation while the British work out a perfect modern
way to return it’s colonies to 21st slavery.
For decades, there’ve been clandestine cults of European white
supremacists, headed by people like Tony Blair, working assiduously to
re-invent slavery in former British colonies. If you do your research, you’ll
already see this since Mr. Blair left office, in that the only countries he
deems fit to visit are former British colonies. And he’s there to promote a new
Britain & former colonies partnership.
Blair in Nigeria
Blair in Sri Lanka
Blair in Rwanda
Blair has also been to Azerbaijan,
Sierra Leone, and many more former British colonies after leaving
office as British prime minister. So, you have to ask yourself; what is Tony Blair looking for in third world countries after leaving office?
Like Thomas Carlyle, Blair belongs to a cult of elite
white supremacists who believes it was a huge mistake allowing independence in
former British colonies. He believes slavery would have been sustained till
today, knowing what they know now. Therefore, his school of thought
passionately wants a return to some sort of slavery by 2050.
What Mr. Blair and Co wants to achieve in the coming years is the type of economic control France continue to exert on 14 of it's former colonies. See How France Continue to Enslave 14 African Countries.
What Mr. Blair and Co wants to achieve in the coming years is the type of economic control France continue to exert on 14 of it's former colonies. See How France Continue to Enslave 14 African Countries.
Countries like Gambia, India, Zimbabwe, saw the
handwriting on the wall and decided to exit the commonwealth before it is too
late. It is such a pity Rwanda and Mozambique has no iota of idea what they’ve
bought into. It is such a shame two African countries opted to join a group of
member states of enslaved nations when countries like India and Hong Kong opted
out instead!.
Well, you may ask; how do they want to enslave former
colonies again? My answer to you is; you’re already being enslaved intellectually. You’re
already being enslaved economically. You’re already being enslaved technologically. In
short, if by now you cannot figure out why the commonwealth should be
abolished, you’re mentally a slave!. Again, “In the slavery of the 21st century, don’t expect a chain on
your hands. Don’t expect a chain on your legs either”. The chain would be
on your mind.
The chain
would be on your mind; therefore, you need to know this:
After exiting the European Union, Britain is about to
unleash a clandestine policy to re-invent slavery in their former colonies.
This would come in various formats; example;
(1). Liberalized
visa application to encourage tourism from third world countries, cause they need
your money in Britain: Britain have all of a sudden recently shortened their
visa processing time in Nigeria from 1 month to 1 day.
(2). Controlling
education: the British council has recently shown interest to begin cooperation
with educationists and scholars in Nigeria and other third world countries to
indoctrinate them on what and what not to teach in schools. Clearly, this’s a
long term policy to begin brainwashing educationists in Nigeria.
(3). Unsolicited
scholarship offers from hundreds of mushroom UK universities, until you get to
the UK to discover there’s none: They want as many people as possible from
third world countries to come study in the UK. This’s how they fill their labour
market needs by systematically denying third world countries the professionals
we need to develop. And its called brain-drain. Brain-drain is the reason you
have more qualified Nigerian doctors in the US and UK alone than the entire
African continent.
(4). Strengthening
ties with the commonwealth member nations: this would include predatory
trade treaties to be unleashed on former colonies. Member nations would be
persuaded to ship cheaply to Britain and buy at expensive pounds sterling.
(5). Bogus
awards from the queen or other UK interests: Awards may come to you; such
as ''African man of the year'' or ''best African author of the year'' or ''exceptional
African kid of the year'' or other rubbish. Such awards are meant to buy your
loyalty and have been a strategic British policy as far back as 1445 AD in the
Americas, even in West Africa. In 1897 AD the British tried giving a bogus
award to Oba Ovoranmwen, the king of Bini kingdom, who wisely rejected such
award as unnecessary.
Be wary when you see these types of policies coming
out of the United Kingdom in the coming years.
Be warned!. They fooled our ancestors before!!.
Remember, Britain has tried exploiting Asia, but it
didn't work as Asians are wiser now. They've tried the Americas to no avail as
France, the US, Spain, and Portugal already has the entire place to themselves.
They've tried to control the European Union; it didn't work either, so they
decided to exit the EU instead.
Now, their only hope is turn to Africa, the dumb
continent where people have been brainwashed beyond repair, the same continent
that made them wealthy before. I’m not forgetting the other colonies in South
America and Asia Pacific- the same people that are dumb enough to be used, time
and time again, the only colonies where people have been brainwashed beyond
repair like Africa.
I think the commonwealth should be abolished as it
have out-lived it's purpose of enslaving third world countries.
Finally, let me remind you that Hong Kong was also a
former British colony up to the 80's. But, do you know what China been doing
since then?. China has been removing anything Britain from Hong Kong!.
Everything from re-engineering the minds of Hong Kong people to educate them
that they're not British!!. Educating them to think like Chinese, live like
Chinese, eat like Chinese, learn like Chinese, be a Chinese!. Just be in your
own blood!. Even streets that used to have English names has been changed to
Chinese name!!.
China has totally cut off from western control and is
indeed inspiring other Asian countries to do the same. This is how a living
people behaves!!.
African leaders and elites should come to their senses
and start boycotting the commonwealth. The queen will never want to have
anything to do with you, unless Britain PLANS TO USE YOU in future.
Remember, the same Britain that wants to strengthen
the commonwealth, is the same Britain that is planning to exit the European
Union, because they know the EU doesn't allow them be ''just British''. And, I
would like to ask you; if Britain can
contemplate leaving the European Union, why should any nation still remain a
member of the commonwealth?
Are we blacks more related to Britain than Britain is to other European nations?
Why commonwealth, when Britain itself is exiting the European Union?
If the European Union is not good for Britain, why should the Commonwealth be good for Africa?
Are we blacks more related to Britain than Britain is to other European nations?
Why commonwealth, when Britain itself is exiting the European Union?
If the European Union is not good for Britain, why should the Commonwealth be good for Africa?
Think!. Think!!. My people, think!!.